Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Music Industry Classes

I need more exposure to sound equipment, so I've been taking some classes lately in studio recording at Sunburst Studios in Culver City. The courses are offered through Los Angeles Westside Extension and Los Angeles City College, for anyone in L.A. who might be interested in taking them in the future. I've taken an all-day recording seminar and one three-hour mike technique class, and I have part two of the mike class coming up. Last fall, I also took a class in Cubase at Pierce College in the San Fernando Valley. I just finished a class through UCLA Extension called The Music Industry Now: Where Is It Headed? which covered music marketing in the new digital media era. That class was amazing. We broke into teams and each group presented a marketing plan to break an artist. I have very little marketing experience, but it was really a good learning opportunity. I had a fantastic team, and we got the highest grade in the class, not to brag - I lucked out and got matched up with great people. I am trying to take a lot of classes in this kind of thing right now because L.A. has so much to offer in media and music that I don't want to miss anything that might help me.

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